Monday, February 22, 2010

What holds power in your life?

My girlfriend holds power in my life because she is amazing, and i never want to lose her. I love her more than words can explain and I would do anything for her. She is the only girl I have ever loved this much. If she was about to get shot I would jump in front of the bullet because I can't stand to see her get hurt. Also, if someone is saying something about her or doesn't like her I will stand up for her. I don't like when dudes want to talk to her or try to get with her. I will fight anyone who tries to get with her. People say I'm whipped because I don't boss my girl around, but I'm not whipped I just love her enough to treat her with respect. Girls are people too. It's not like they are just a piece of property. That is why I have been with my girl for almost 1 year. She is the most important person in my life and I could never be this happy with someone else. So it is not whipped, it is just being a good boyfriend. So forget anyone who has a problem with it. I love you babe!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Landon Morrison



Many people would argue that people do drugs because they are pressured into it, but I think the real reason is so they can deal with pain.

A lot of people start doing drugs because they are pressured into it, but that don’t mean they should be criticized for doing drugs. Some people do start just to be cool and so their friends don’t get mad at them. Most people start off with smoking marijuana then they move to harder drugs like cocaine, crystal meth, prescription pills, cough syrup, or heroin. People think that marijuana is a gateway drug. They think that if someone starts smoking marijuana they are going to move to the harder drugs. Most people do actually move to harder drugs but that don’t mean everyone who smokes marijuana should be considered junkies. People need to try it before they criticize it. That is just like saying you don’t like a certain food without trying it. You don’t know if you like it or not until you try it. It might actually help you deal with some pain or make you feel better about something. So try it before you criticize it.

Some people start drugs so they can deal with pain, but after they start it is hard to quit. I started smoking Marijuana because my uncle hung himself and it was killing me slowly from the inside out. Marijuana has helped me cope with it and realize that he did it for a reason, and I will see him in Heaven when my time is up. I moved from marijuana to prescription pills and cough syrup. I tried it once and got hooked on it and couldn’t stop for a while. People do the harder drugs because they get addicted to it. I tried to stop the pills and cough syrup for a while and I couldn’t quit. Then I started dating Samantha Davidson and she said she didn’t like me popping pills and drinking cough syrup, so I quit because I love her and never want to lose her. She said she didn’t care about me smoking marijuana because I can’t overdose on it. It is really hard to quit unless you have a motivation there to help you. All you got to do is keep telling yourself that you don’t need it because when you think you need it that is when you are going to really need it. You are not really addicted to it, but you like it so much that you think you need it. If you tell yourself that you don’t need it then you won’t want it. Trust me I have been through the same thing as people who think they are addicted to drugs. You just have to tell yourself you don’t need it.

A lot of people start drugs because they are pressured into trying it and they like it. People also start drugs because they have pain they have that hurts them, so they do drugs because drugs take all your pain away. So don’t think people who do drugs are junkies, not all people who do drugs are junkies.